Almost every lubricant used in plants today started off as just a base oil. The base oil category defines what the oil is made of, how it is manufactured, and how the lubricant handles certain environments such as extreme heat. Stacor (Pty) Ltd offers a variety of blend stock base oils ranging from Mineral base oils, group I and II and Synthetic base oils, group III, group IV, and V.
All base oils have characteristics that determine how they will hold up against a variety of lubrication challenges. For a mineral oil, the goal of the refining process is to optimize the resulting properties to produce a superior lubricant. For synthetically generated oils, the objective of the various formulations is to create a lubricant with properties that may not be achievable in a mineral oil. Whether mineral-based or synthetic-based, each base oil is designed to have a specific application.
We ensure that our base oils conform to their required viscosity limitations and viscosity index, pour point, volatility, oxidation, and thermal stability, aniline point (a measure of the base oil’s solvency toward other materials including additives), and hydrolytic stability (the lubricant’s resistance to chemical decomposition in the presence of water).
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